Single Visit Onlays & Crowns – CEREC

Single Visit Onlays & Crowns – CEREC

Single Visit Onlays & Crowns – CEREC 2560 1440 Marchwood Dental Clinic Kanata - Implants in Ottawa

CerecCEREC is the CAD/CAM technology preferred by dentists worldwide for the fabrication of all-ceramic dental restorations in a single treatment appointment. The technology allows us to fabricate custom fitted porcelain onlays, inlays, and crowns in our office during the course of one visit.

The material used closely matches the natural tooth structure, therefore allowing us to preserve as much healthy enamel as possible. We can offer our patients a strong reliable long term restoration that is comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. CEREC is proven by hundreds of clinical studies and is cericLogooffered by thousands of dentists to millions of patients worldwide for over 20 years.

Speak or message one of our friendly staff to find out more on our CEREC services by contacting us today.