Keywords: denture, missing teeth, best option for missing teeth, loose dentures, best replacement for missing tooth, dental implant, implant crown, implant bridge, implant denture, implant tooth
Dentures are a common, low-cost tooth replacement option that serves many people well. However, with advancements in dental technology and comfortable tooth replacement options becoming more accessible, many people are making the switch from dentures to implants.
Factors to Consider When you Switch From Dentures to Implants
As long as you are in good general health, it is usually never too late to get dental implants. That being said, the length of time you have been wearing dentures will have an impact on your bone structure and you may require an additional procedure before being able to make the change to implants.
When you have a tooth extracted, your jawbone will – over time – shrink in the area where you are missing your teeth. In as little as a year, you could be missing most of your supporting jawbone mass in the missing area. But this is not the end for you! There are procedures to get you the results you need nonetheless.
Bone Grafting Procedure
If bone has resorbed in your jaw after a tooth extraction, you may need to undergo a bone grafting procedure to build up your bone before dental implants can be safely placed. Having the proper levels of bone also ensures better aesthetics as the natural gumline will be at the same height as the surrounding teeth. Bone grafting will build back up that missing bone and enable you to have a secure bite again.
Getting Dental Implants
Once the bone grafting is healed, you can then have dental implants placed. We recommend a minimum of four per arch to secure your dentures. Six is better. However, your budget will be a part of the determining factor.
Once your implants have been placed, you will need to stay on a temporary soft foods diet while healing takes place. This usually takes about 3-6 months, since new bone has to grow in order to fuse the implant screw to the jawbone. During this time, it is essential to avoid placing excess strain on the implants because it can cause them to shift or heal out of alignment. Once the implants have fused with the jawbone, then your dentist will schedule a return to your normal diet.
The majority of patients are good candidates to make the switch from removable dentures to dental implants. Even if you need bone grafting, having the procedure done can be a big improvement on your current quality of life. Our dentists have experience helping patients transition from one to the other and will answer all your questions. You’re not stuck with dentures for the rest of your life, and you won’t believe how much your life will change once you have dental implants.
In our next article following this series, we will cover situations when an implant is recommended, and what to expect from the procedure. See you at the next article!
Marchwood Dental Clinic specializes in dental implants crown and aesthetic treatments, focusing on the oral and dental health of patients in Kanata, Dunrobin, Carleton Place, Almonte, Carp and all of West Ottawa. We offer many treatment options and alternatives with cutting-edge technology to guarantee the quality of our service.
Contact us and schedule your appointment at Marchwood Dental Clinic serving Kanata, Dunrobin, Carleton Place, Almonte, Carp and all of West Ottawa today. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more information.
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