DELIGHT IN THE BENEFITS OF DENTAL BRIDGES 150 150 Marchwood Dental Clinic Kanata - Implants in Ottawa

dental clinic Having gaps in your mouth from a missing tooth or teeth can have a considerable negative impact on your life; while you might be concerned there may be discomfort or risk associated with dental bridges, it can actually be detrimental to both your physical health as well as your emotional well-being to not be enjoying and utilizing a complete number of teeth. Consulting a Kanata area dentist will allow you make an informed decision on a treatment plan that is tailored to your needs.

Dental bridges are a safe and effective solution to consider when your ability to do basic things like bite down, chew food or speak clearly is affected by missing teeth. In addition to restoring these basic functions, obtaining a dental bridge can even improve the stability of the surrounding teeth in your mouth as well as your overall facial structure. Your decision to replace your missing teeth in this effective and non-threatening manner may also prevent more serious problems such as the development tooth decay or gum disease.

A professional dentist in Kanata is an excellent resource if you are currently weighing the costs and benefits of dental bridges.  Even barring any health concerns, having teeth missing can have negative bearing on your self- esteem or sense of self-worth, especially if you feel it affects other people’s perception or judgement of you. Replacement teeth have the ability to give you a renewed confidence in both social and professional situations.

So why bridges in particular? Though there are cases in which a qualified Kanata dentist may deem implants or dentures appropriate or even necessary, more people prefer the benefits of a dental bridge.  Besides being significantly more expensive, implants usually address the replacement of only a single tooth or two. While dentures can be made to replace several teeth in a row, some people consider them to be uncomfortable and even feel unstable in their mouths.

A dedicated Kanata dentist will tell you that you have options that fit your unique situation.  There are various types of dental bridges that each meet a specific need—based on factors such as the location of the missing teeth in your mouth and the proximity to other teeth, to your overall oral health. Additionally, the material used to make the bridge can be selected according to what’s best for you.   A dental bridge is a non-surgical solution that, according to the Canadian Dental Association, with good oral hygiene, will usually last more than 10 years.