ottawa dental professional

Kanata dental retainers Invisalign clear esthetic aligners

Complete Guide to Clear Esthetic Aligners and Retainers, Invisalign Dental Appliances, Braces

Complete Guide to Clear Esthetic Aligners and Retainers, Invisalign Dental Appliances, Braces 1920 1280 Marchwood Dental Clinic Kanata - Implants in Ottawa

The decision to make a change is an important one. Therefore, it is essential to make sure that you are choosing the best option when talking about your oral health.…

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MARCHWOOD DENTAL: CORONAVIRUS ANNOUNCEMENT 1920 1280 Marchwood Dental Clinic Kanata - Implants in Ottawa

[kswr_alertbox albx_title_text=”MARCHWOOD DENTAL: CORONAVIRUS ANNOUNCEMENT” albx_height=”50″ albx_icon=”info3″ albx_icon_size=”18″ albx_color=”#ffffff” albx_bg_color=”#dd3333″ albx_border_thickness=”1″ albx_border_color=”#ff0000″ albx_radius=”0″ albx_icon_padding=”padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;” albx_alb_margin=”margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;” albx_alb_padding=”padding-top:0px;padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-bottom:0px;” albx_title_font_def=”1″ albx_message_font_def=”1″] For the health and safety of all our patients and staff, Marchwood…

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CAD/CAM Dentistry

CAD/CAM Dentistry 150 150 Marchwood Dental Clinic Kanata - Implants in Ottawa

CAD/CAM stands for Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing. In the most basic terms, CAD/CAM technology allows for somebody to design a product digitally, and then use a computer…

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Foods that get stuck in your teeth

Foods that get stuck in your teeth Marchwood Dental Clinic Kanata - Implants in Ottawa

Food is a necessity for life. Besides being filled with valuable vitamins and nutrients, there is a world of varying flavours that can truly tantalize the taste buds. Each new…

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Breath Sprays

Breath Sprays Marchwood Dental Clinic Kanata - Implants in Ottawa

Just like the clothing we wear, smelling good is mainly for other people. We make the decision to buy clothes we like, and scents that smell good but who do…

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Preventative Cleanings

Preventative Cleanings Marchwood Dental Clinic Kanata - Implants in Ottawa

  When you fail to plan, you plan to fail; harsh words but true! If you don’t properly take care of something (by first creating a plan and then sticking…

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Signs of Gum Disesase

Signs of Gum Disesase Marchwood Dental Clinic Kanata - Implants in Ottawa

The health of your teeth is very important. Regular brushing, flossing, rinsing and visits to your Ottawa dentist are imperative for promoting and maintaining the best dental health possible. However,…

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Why Teeth Turn Yellow

Why Teeth Turn Yellow 150 150 Marchwood Dental Clinic Kanata - Implants in Ottawa

The ultimate goal for most people when it comes to their teeth (besides having them be as strong and clean as possible), is for them to be as bright and…

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Good Foods, Bad Dental Affects

Good Foods, Bad Dental Affects 150 150 Marchwood Dental Clinic Kanata - Implants in Ottawa

Since what seems like the beginning of time, the idea of healthy eating to yield a healthier overall lifestyle has been implemented into our lives. Either through varying marketing/advertising tactics…

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Oral Health Month

Oral Health Month 150 150 Marchwood Dental Clinic Kanata - Implants in Ottawa

Dr. Mark McCullough and Dr. Melvin Lee were on CTV News to promote Brush-a-mania here in Ottawa. Brush-a-mania is a program that is presented to elementary school children across Canada…

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